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How to create a new scenario

Creating a new scenario to generate an organizational chart is as simple as a few clicks.





Learn how to copy from an existing scenario, including its data or people.




How to create a new scenario

You can create a new scenario from your homepage or with another scenario already loaded, below we lay out the steps for each.


In this section:


Create a new scenario from your homepage

  1. Click "+ Create a new scenario"
  2. Input the name for the scenario
  3. Choose your functional library
  4. Choose your import method
  5. Click "Create scenario"


Create a new scenario from a scenario

  1. Click the dropdown menu next to the scenario name
  2. Select "+ Create"
  3. Input the name for the scenario
  4. Choose your functional library
  5. Choose your import method
  6. Click "Create scenario"


If you would like to import from your payroll or HRIS provider, first create a scenario, then select "import" from the left-hand menu or above the top position in the org chart.




Scenario setup options

In this section:


Select a library template

A functional library is a collection of functions, roles, accountabilities, and responsibilities that can be allocated to positions within your organizational chart.


Import people from

When creating a new scenario, you can import people from multiple methods, including Slack, CSV, and other scenarios.


If you would like to import from your payroll or HRIS provider, first create a scenario, then select "import" from the left-hand menu or above the top position in the org chart.