May 2021: Your organization in color, new inline editing, and other updates...

1. Your organization in color 

A feature that has long since been requested has finally made it out to into Functionly, and we're tickled pink about its release! 


Want to begin painting your team chart with color? Use the ellipsis menu on any team to expand your options and select Color. 

Screenshot 2021-06-10 at 1.36.28 PM

From there you'll be able to select any color you see. But we know how important it is to be able to communicate information the way that's right for your brand. That's why we've included the ability to create your custom coloring via hex codes. 

When you input any hex code color it will replace the colour you have selected on your palette. 

Screenshot 2021-06-10 at 12.56.31 PM

There are six beautiful colour palettes to choose from when coloring your teams. You can change them at anytime using the 'Swap palette' option, which will expand the list. As you swap through each palette you'll see existing colors on your chart change coincidingly. 

Screenshot 2021-06-07 at 5.02.25 PM

At this stage you cannot create your own palette, so we suggest choosing the palette you like the least, then replacing the hex codes for the existing colors to create your own. 

Happy coloring! We're looking forward to seeing your beautiful charts. 


2. Inline Editing

We love the drag and drop, but when you're getting through a large chart and wanting to make some fast edits sometimes it's easier to take a few shortcuts. 


Now anywhere you assign managers, people to teams, create people, create roles, and assign accountabilities you can do so without having to first find them from your left hand menu to drag them across. 

Screenshot 2021-06-10 at 2.00.22 PM

Just click where you want something to go and start typing to search. If the person or accountability doesn't exist, you can create them. This is also an easy new way to create those vacancies! When you select 'Create role', a new vacancy will appear and will stay there until a person is added to that role. 

Screenshot 2021-06-10 at 2.02.11 PM

3. Other updates

We're always working behind the scenes to improve Functionly. This month we've also spent time to improve:

  • The drag and drop experience of the chart ✋
  • Preventative backend security measures as we grow 📈
  • Backend engineering updates to keep Functionly running fast 🏃
  • Business engineering updates to ensure that we're taking care of business and everything sign-up/accounts/cancellations are running smoothly 📁
  • Many hours of prep work, bug fixes, and user testing for our new chart that will be released in June 🤓

