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Building your org chart

Learn about the interface and functions in the org chart


Four quick steps to build your org:

  1. Select a library
  2. Import your org
  3. Build your chart
  4. Assign roles

1. Select a functional library

Functional libraries are groups of roles and functional accountabilities that we have created based on industry leaders in particular sectors. For example our SaaS library will provide you with an inventory of roles and functions you might expect to be used by the likes of Salesforce, Shopify or Slack. You can choose a library when creating a new scenario or in an existing scenario by selecting the 'Roles' or 'Functions' on the left hand side depending on which view you're on.


Select Library


2. Import your organization

We have integrations to import from several human resource information systems (HRIS), and if reporting lines can be determined then you will be able to import a structure from them.

Import your Organization


Or you can import with a spreadsheet containing just a few pieces of information.

import with a spreadsheet

Note: if you upload via a spreadsheet, you can make edits directly in our user interface - no need to go back and start again if you need to make any revisions. 

Or, you can simply add people straight onto your chart:

add people

3. Build your own chart

Build your org chart from scratch with simple drag and drop functionality or by adding a person directly to a position.

build your own chart


4. Assign roles & functions

You can drag and drop roles from the role library on the left automatically assigning functions to a person as responsibilities:

Assign roles & functions


Quickly add roles and responsibilities and save them for future use:

roles and responsibilities



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