By 2030, 47% of jobs in the USA will have a high risk of automation related displacement (ScienceDirect)
RIF done poorly costs big (as much as 33% of an employee’s salary to replace them) (BenefitNews)
of companies that cut 10 percent or more jobs suffer a fall in stock prices, decline in productivity and customer satisfaction (Harvard Business Press)
Functionly models future costs, headcount, and FTE, giving you a clear, real-time view of potential cost reductions over time, even in complex matrix organizations.
With Functionly, create future-state scenarios that streamline reporting lines, allowing you to visualize efficiency improvements and make well-informed decisions.
Invite trusted team members to contribute and design the future together, building trust and buy-in across the organization.
Functionly maps out workloads and responsibilities in real time, so you can see exactly where every task is covered and where there’s risk of work falling through the cracks.
Functionly moves beyond hiring and firing plans and helps companies to optimize the way people work together to achieve organizational goals. Instead of focusing on the negative and peripheral problems, restructures allow organizations to identify opportunities for change and improvement on the other side of cost reduction.
Setup in minutes and save hundreds of hours scenario planning your future org structures
Make important decisions with the peace of mind that your data and privacy are protected.